Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

“You are just like your mother,” the young boy huffed angrily. “I’m glad,” I replied, haughtily. I was proud of my mother. She was loving and kind, but a strong leader, always leading some charitable project. She was loved and respected at church, in our neighborhood, and in our extended family.

Honoring Homeschool Moms

If you could come over to my house, I would put the tea kettle on and make you a big mug of herb tea. Then I would serve you a slice of my gooey rich Tunnel of Fudge Cake, rich chocolate cake with a ribbon of creamy fudge running through it. We would sit and talk about life, homeschooling, husbands, children, world affairs. I would encourage you, tell you that you are doing a great job, and remind you that you are the perfect parent for your child. 
